The Mini Crystal Gavel Jars
Bring The Timeless Beauty & Transformative Powers of
Mini Crystals Into Your Own Life
Choose From a Wide Variety of Mini Crystal Gavel Jars
- Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Peridot, Citrine -
Mini Crystal Jars That’ll Bring You More
Health, Happiness & Positivity!
Some of the best things in life come in smallest packages. And in this case - mini jars. Our Mini Crystal Gavel Jars are made with nothing but 100% pure love and filled with some of the most stunningly beautiful and timeless crystals in the entire world.
Crystals contain a natural healing power that’s been used centuries. Not only do they contain metaphysical healing properties, but they can also be used as tools for manifesting what you desire the most in life itself.
Our popular Mini Crystal Gavel jars come in 4 unique varieties that you can pick from including: Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Peridot, or Citrine. Below is a quick breakdown of the unique properties that correspond to each type of crystal…
* Rose Quartz – Block negativity, improve heart and brain function, diminish negative vibrations
* Clear Quartz – Used for metaphysical healing. Purify your aura with light. Promote positivity
* Peridot – Neutralize toxins, boost creativity, bring forth greater prosperity and happiness
* Citrine – “The Money Stone”. Increase prosperity and wealth. Enjoy higher levels of success